VIPs, friends and family celebrate students with annual parade

VIPs, friends and family celebrate students with annual parade

Public services students at Tameside College celebrate the end of their studies with annual ‘passing out’ parade.

Proud family, friends, teachers and VIP guests gathered at the college’s Beaufort Road campus to watch the ceremony, which took place on Thursday 25th May.

Students marched into the parade ground for the event, before being inspected by The Civic Mayor of Tameside Tafheen Shafir, Royal Navy chief petty officer David Garner, RAF Wing Commander Roy Catterall, RAF Sgt Lee Hargreaves and chair of governors at Tameside College, John Jyne.

Awards were presented by each VIP to those students who have dedicated themselves to their studies throughout the year. Awards included the platinum jubilee award for the overall best student, the academic achievement award and the endeavour award, which was presented to the highest achieving student in each class.

Michael O’Sullivan, who was presented with the platinum jubilee award, also recently won the student of the year award at the college’s overall awards ceremony and was presented with his prize by last year’s winning student.

Andrew Dixon, uniformed public services teacher at Tameside College, said: “We are extremely proud of our students who have put so much effort into their studies this year and this event is the culmination and recognition of all that effort. It was a brilliant day and I’m sure their family and friends were really pleased to see their sons and daughters achieve so much. Thank you to our VIPs who helped to make the day extra special for our students.”

To find out more about uniformed public services courses at Tameside College, visit the college website or call 0161 908 6600.

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