A Level Computer Science

The focus of your studies will be on two major components; Computer Systems and Algorithms & Programming. The course provides practical experience of computer programming using multiple languages, including Python, Swift and JavaScript. If you are currently taking GCSE Computer Science, this will be a progression from knowing how to program in Python, to knowing how to create an efficient program in multiple languages. This will put you in good stead going forward into a career within software development or computing at university. The Computer Science A Level is more than just creating computer programs. You will also learn about the use of databases, operating systems, computer networks, cyber security, data types, web development, the binary system, Boolean logic, computer architecture, and social and economic impacts of computers.
There are always several possible solutions to problems, but normally very few efficient ones. You will have the ability to solve complex problems in a systematic and logical way. You will use your creativity to think outside the box when coming up with new solutions. You will be resilient in your approach and be prepared to fail before you succeed. You will critically assess what methodology to use and when, as well as assessing why a certain solution may or may not work. You will take part in regular course projects, both independently and as a team. Programming is a skill you will continually practice throughout the two years, both in and outside of lesson time. The

computing industry is team oriented and thus there is an emphasis on group work where possible. Learning also takes place through case studies, assessments, projects, extended writing and interactive activities. Learning resources are available on Microsoft Teams and thus available at home and on your mobile devices.

List any unique features, trips and visit opportunities, links to employers and work experience expectations and opportunities, enrichment and DBS requirements.
Level 3 (Advanced)

- 5 GCSEs grade 4 or above including mathematics and/ or English.

You will be interviewed for this course, should be enthusiastic about working in the IT sector and able to problem solve.
You will be assessed through two exams with a combined weight of 80% towards your overall grade. As well as a programming project, worth a further 20% of your overall grade.
On successful completion of this qualification you can progress onto: A university course at undergraduate level in Computer Science, Cyber Security, Software Development or Data Science. Employment within the Computing industry, for example, a junior software developer, data scientist, cyber security professional, IT support, or network engineer.

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