Level 2 Professional Bakery

This programme is the first step to gaining a qualification in the Bakery Industry.

On this course you will learn in a state of the art practical environment how to make a wide range of bakery products, such as bread, cakes, biscuits and pastries, to a professional standard, all available for purchase in the Bakery Shop. You will also gain knowledge of bakery ingredients and processes along with food hygiene. Additionally, in cake decoration, you will learn creative skills and how to make and decorate Christmas and Celebration cakes.
Your practical timetable would be made up of a bread, confectionery, chocolate and cake decoration classes using state of the art facilities and equipment to professional quality products covering all aspects of the industry.

Your theory sessions are made up of underpinning knowledge questions and assignments taught by experienced tutors.

Check us out on Instagram! @Tamesidebaker where we post all of our products and experiences

Enrichment opportunities while on the course are:

National membership to the Alliance for Bakery Students and Trainees including national competitions at their annual Conference

Progression opportunities to product development roles with leading manufacturers, such as Park Cake Bakeries and bakery ingredients manufacturers

Proud supporter of the CBA (Craft Bakers Association) creating an industry network to provide support and enrichment opportunities.

Links with local businesses with progression to level 2 apprenticeships and work experience opportunities
To qualify for entry onto this course you have to be 16-19. GCSE level 4 or above in maths or English or previously completed Bakery level 1.

You must be available for a full weekly timetable and be prepared to work at professional standards. You will also be invited to an interview to assess your interest, aptitude and suitability to the course.

Bakery whites will be required to be purchased, to a specific standard and style (guidance given)
Assessment is based on practical skills and written work evidencing under pinning knowledge.
Once you have successfully completed this course, You will then be able to progress to Level 3 Certificate in Bakery and Confectionery Excellence / Craft Apprenticeship.

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