A Level Law

The OCR A Level in Law content focuses on the English legal system and areas of both private and public law within the law of England and Wales. Learners will be required to show knowledge and understanding of the nature of law and the English legal system. This will provide learners with the foundation for the study of both private and public law. This specification will develop learners’ understanding of legal method and reasoning through the study of statutory interpretation and judicial precedent. Learners will be introduced to the concept of legal liability through the study of criminal law and the law of tort.

This course will enable them to develop and apply the techniques of legal method and reasoning to

analyse and offer answers to legal problems, based on legal rules and principles and develop the ability to construct and communicate legal arguments by reference to appropriate legal authorities. The A Level in Law will develop learners’ knowledge of law through advanced study of an additional legal subject – human rights law or the law of contract. They will develop their critical awareness of the law through the study of the nature of law.

The law is a very important part of our society, it controls our behaviours towards each other and feeds into our understanding of rights and wrongs

In Year 1 you will study 2 modules:

●  Paper 1: The legal system and criminal law

●  Paper 2: Law making and the law of tort

In year 2 you will study 1 module:

●  Paper 3: The nature of law and EITHER contract law OR human rights law

You will sit 3 exams for this at the end of your 2 year course and the results for each paper will be combined to give one overall grade. This will be assessed through describe, evaluation, scenario and essay based questions which help learners to show their overall strengths and knowledge of the law and its application.

You will learn through a variety of teaching methods which will aim to meet the needs of each individual and accommodate different learning styles for example, case studies, assessments, group work, practical work, projects, extended writing and interactive activities.
You will have the opportunity to engage in an exciting and innovative course which has been created to inspire, nurture and develop learners. It will foster an interest and enjoyment in law. The qualification is designed to develop knowledge and skills for the further study of law, and related subjects, such as business. You will develop your knowledge of the law in England and Wales, and an awareness of law in a European and global context. The course will enable you to know and understand the changing nature of law and the interaction between law, morals, justice, society and technology.

Learning Aims and Objectives

 ●  develop your knowledge and understanding of the English legal system and areas of both private and public law within the law of England and Wales

 ●  develop an understanding of legal method and reasoning as used by lawyers and the judiciary.

 ●  develop and apply the techniques of legal method and reasoning to analyse and offer answers to problems, based on legal principles, legislation and case law.

 ●  develop the ability to construct conclusions and communicate legal arguments by reference to appropriate legal authorities.

 ●  develop the ability to communicate persuasive legal arguments by reference to appropriate legal authorities.

 ●  be able to demonstrate critical awareness of the influence and operation of the law in society.
You will be assessed throughout your course through formative assessments. There will be 6 formative assessments per year. This is to monitor your progress and ensure that you are fully prepared for the summer exams in your final year.

You will then sit 3 exams in the summer
On successful completion of this qualification you can progress onto many things:

 ●  An A Level in Law can naturally lead to further studies at university, including Law , Business Studies, Politics and Criminology.

 ●  Those who have studied Law have often progressed onto careers in law, advertising, the civil service, Politics, Police, Armed Forces, Education, Health, Marketing and anything else the that involves contracts or making critical decisions.

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