A Level Media Studies

Covering 9 different disciplines in Media you don’t just learn to analyse texts you also get to make them. Starting from magazines straight through to TV dramas and video games you learn about the industries of each and how this then shapes the products and the audiences they reach. This is an exciting time to be a part of the Media industry in Greater Manchester with the creation of Media City and this course prepares you for employment, apprenticeships and higher education. Media Studies has a strong academic grounding with theories and essay writing skills embedded throughout.
Taught in a fully equipped Mac suite and film/TV studio your sessions vary from theoretical sessions focusing on analysing historical and contemporary examples to recreating them on industry standard software. Along the way there are trips and guest speakers to colour the course and offer you opportunities to experience the industry first hand.
At A Level there are 2 exams, each worth 35%, and a 30% assessment of production work.
On successful completion of this qualification, students have progressed onto:

●  University to study the subject at a higher level or other humanities or arts based degrees

●  Careers in marketing, education or journalists.

●  Apprenticeships or higher level apprenticeships

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