A Level Mathematics

Building from GCSE level Mathematics you will develop your skills in number, algebra, graphs and trigonometry. The course is split into Pure and Applied Maths with two thirds of the course being Pure Maths. In the first year you will introduced to the binomial expansion, calculus and exponentials / logarithms. In second year you also study radians, parametric equations and 3D vectors. One lesson a week will be dedicated to Applied Maths which is the study of mechanics and statistics. There are no optional modules or units on the standard A-level in Maths. This is the same nationally. Mechanics primarily looks at forces and motion, which is of particular value to Physics students. Statistics builds on work from school but develops probability and distributions further, giving you the knowledge to make decisions based on data and to robustly test hypotheses.
Maths lessons give you the opportunity to develop your logic and problem solving skills. We encourage discussion in lessons and give you an environment where you can ask questions and work with your peers. Where possible we aim to dedicate as much time in class to working on difficult problems, longer exercises can be completed for homework. You will learn to study independently and develop the resilience to successfully tackle unfamiliar problems. Students find this a challenging but rewarding process. Our experienced teachers guide you from being a school maths student to becoming a confident mathematician who can apply your knowledge to your life after A-levels.
See Standard Entry Qualifications
? There are 3 written external examinations at the end of year 2.

 ●  Two exams are based on Pure Maths and one on Applied.

 ●  Each exam is 2 hours long and are all equally weighted.
On successful completion of this qualification you can progress onto:

 ●  University level study in most Scientific and Engineering degree courses (other common choices include accountancy, banking, and computer science).

 ●  Apprenticeship or higher level apprenticeship

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