A Level Classical Civilisation

This is an A Level course to be taken alongside another two subjects. The course is externally assessed at the end of the two year programme and includes three papers. The exams include a mixture of short answer and extended writing questions.

You will develop a number of skills which will be applied to the classical world. This will include written and literary stimulus supported by archaeological evidence.

Throughout the course you will study the following topics:

The World of the Hero (The Iliad and The Aeneid)

You will explore what it meant to be a hero in the ancient world (Greek and Roman). We explore and chart the actions of our main heroes; Achilles and Aeneas as they do battle with Trojans and Latins alike. They meet various individuals along their quests, but more importantly for them is how their lives are impacted by fate. We encounter all of the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses that you are most likely familiar with: Zeus/Jupiter, Hera/Juno, Aphrodite/Venus and many, many more.

Greek Theatre

Why was Greek theatre so important for the Greek peoples? It was more than just a spectacle or light entertainment, it was the essence and beating heart of Greek life. From politics to religion; from plague to war, the theatre encompassed so many contemporary issues for the Greeks. You will explore both tragic and comic performance, dealing with crucial real life situations such as death and disease to comic and light hearted jokes at politicians and gods. The role of mythology will remain the backbone for all performances studied analysing characters such as Hercules, Apollo and Dionysus and evaluating the powers they possess.

Greek Philosophy and Religion

Why was Socrates punished for his religious sacrilege really? What dangers did he and other individuals pose to the Greek religious way of life? This unit explores the importance of religion in the Greek world and how this was intertwined in everyday life. We explore the curious and strange cults that appeared, the various temples, alters and relics with their different purposes and powers. We take a walk to Olympia and understand and appreciate the real origins of the Olympic Games and move on to heroes and the cults they had attributed to them. This is mythology, but much, much more.
During this course you will have the opportunity to go on the Pompeii and Rome trip, to explore the ancient and archaic wonder that was Pompeii. We will walk through the streets, exploring the old bars, the baths, theatres and even the preserved dead! We will also wander through Rome making our way to the Coliseum, Palatine Hill and the Forum to really appreciate how great this civilisation was.

There will be other activities available such as guest speakers and lecturers, study days and extra-curricular activities available.
This course is assessed externally. This includes 3 examinations of varying lengths and total marks.
Possible career options include Higher education, employment and higher level apprenticeships.

Taking Classics/Ancient History/Classical Studies at university can give you a whole host of exciting career options including:

- Law

- Journalism

- Policing

- Marketing

- Teaching

- Public Relations

- Politics

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