Level 3 Photography

100% High Grades

100% Achievement

ALPS Value Added Outstanding

This course is designed to offer a gateway into the photographic industry or further study; units of work on this course present an opportunity for the learner to explore traditional and contemporary photographic materials, techniques and processes. Investment in digital technologies has meant that the students will have access to vital, state of the art digital equipment and training.

Following successful completion of this 2 year course you will receive a Level 3 qualification in Photography, up to 168 UCAS points and the equivalent of 3 A Levels. The course is also recognised by employers and apprenticeship schemes.
Throughout this course, learners are encouraged to develop their own personal style and explore their specialism within photography, through workshops which enable learners to develop professional photographic skills, with emphasis placed on the development of the learner’s appreciation of photography as a method of visual communication and expression. Housed in a purpose built space; the photography department consists of a professional standard traditional darkroom, photography studio and specialist computer rooms, giving learners the opportunity to explore traditional photography techniques as well as up to date digital processes.

Course lecturers are working professionals and are able to offer learners an insight into current industry practice placing an emphasis on professional development generating readiness for employment. The course will culminate in an end of year exhibition, giving learners the opportunity to celebrate what they have achieved but also exhibit their work to a professional standard.

Learners often sell their work or gain commissions through this highly acclaimed event.

Opportunities to take part in competitions and ‘live’ external briefs underpin the learners experience on this course. During the course, learners visit galleries, museums and other places of interest with the opportunity to participate in a residential visit to a European city, such as Paris and Berlin.

Outside of your lessons there are opportunities to continue to achieve and succeed by taking advantage of the creative facilities at the college. We have a large library with a huge selection of books ranging from art & design, fashion & textiles, graphic communication, photographic magazines as used by the industry, plus many more. You will be involved in the department’s Creative Jam, here you will work on projects in collaboration with learners from different subject areas. This experience will help you to develop as a well-equipped creative individual, with a cross section of skills to give you strengths in the wider area of the Creative, Digital & Performing Arts.
You are required to have 4 GCSEs grade 9 to 4 including maths and/or English.

Successful interview with a Photography tutor (bring a portfolio of your art and design work).

Good verbal and written communication skills.

Good drawing skills are a bonus.
100% Coursework.

Your assessment will be a portfolio of evidence, covering a series of creative projects that will explore, extend and showcase your creative journey at college; this could include sketches, digital portfolios, blogs, design sheets, 3D or 2D outcomes, artists/ designer analysis, experiments, darkroom/ digital prints, presentations and many other creative outcomes you complete on the course.

Staff in this area will support you with feedback and personal advice and guidance; the staff pride themselves on their ability to work with each individual learner to realise their creative potential.
●  A range of degree level creative courses at University, this can be within the creative sector but sometimes our learners apply successfully for courses outside of this sector.

●  An Apprenticeship or Degree Level Apprenticeship within the creative industries.

●  Ultimately employment within the creative industry may be, Freelance Photography, Social/ Digital Media, Fashion Photography, Photography & Film, Clinical Photography, Digital Photography, Documentary Photography, Photojournalism and Documentary Photography and Commercial Photography.


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